To empower vulnerable children, women and men
in informal settlements, to be able to lead lives of dignity through psychoeducation, skills development in a place of safety and compassion.

Uzima SA kids center at Ezimbuzini informal settlement at Orlando West

Uzima SA | 298-250 NPO
Vision: ‘Working in partnership with the local government as a trusted partner for community social services in this vulnerable community.”
Founding Vision Carol’s story

Founder of Uzima South Africa.
Carol was born in 1956 and was not able to complete her matric due to the Soweto Uprising in 1976. While working as a waitress at the Carlton Hotel and through an ABET institution, she was able to complete her matric in 1993 and went to complete a Diploma in Hotel Management in 1995.
In 1997, Carol registered at RAU College (now the University of Johannesburg) where she completed her Diploma in Community Development. In 1999 she studied HIV/AIDS Counselling at UNISA and secured a part-time auxiliary Nursing job at the Netcare Academy. In 2001, Carol founded Ikageng Itirileng Aids Ministry to support and assist children rendered, vulnerable and orphaned as a result of the catastrophic impact of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
20 years later, she continues her very valuable work in the community of Soweto and has supported over 15 960 children in 1000 families. Many of the children she has supported have graduated from Universities and colleges and are employed in the corporate and government sectors. In 2014, Carol attended the Human Rights Advocacy programme at the University of Colombia in the United States and was chosen from the 30 advocates programme to be a presenter at the Bill Clinton Global Initiative in New York in 2015.

Help Solve Hunger Today
Our technical expertise is internationally renowned, due to our 40 years of operational experience in countries with the highest burdens of hunger, and also due to our contributions to developing revolutionary nutrition products and field testing treatment protocols that have become international best practice.